The Unnamed Footage Festival, which focuses on found footage and POV horror films, has been one of our favorites since attending their groundbreaking 24-hour livestreamed event last year.
Even after having an in-person event only last month, they kept the online format for a second round airing May 7, in a 12-hour livestream. And to add even more to their ingenuity, they will feature eight floppy disk found footage feature films and various floppy shorts, which “will never be seen by human eyes again.”
The livestream will start at 11 a.m. PT and 2 p.m. EST, and tickets can be purchased on their website for $30.
While most other festivals scrambled to adapt to life post-COVID with a range of success, the Unnamed Footage Festival cracked the code with the event that allowed people to connect virtually at the same time as everyone else through social media in a fun spectacle of a fest.
Eight found footage feature films make up the Unnamed Footage Festival livestream:
The Andy Baker Tape is a food vlog gone wrong in a film described as Bon Appétit meets Creep. Landlocked centers around a man who finds a video camera in his childhood home that can see into the past. Horror in the High Desert has already made waves in the found footage horror film community, and is a mockumentary about a man who goes missing in the desert.
Peoplewatching is a real-life Rear Window featuring footage from the ‘90s taken outside someone’s San Francisco window. Chest is based on actual events of a crew investigating local legends in the Appalachian mountains. Last Radio Call is a police body cam found footage of a police officer going missing in an abandoned hospital.
Duyster starts off as a historical documentary on an executioner but goes off the rails in what is described as scenes that will surprise even the most seasoned horror fans, and when UFF says that, they mean business. The last feature showing is The Barbados Project, which follows the investigation of a giant creature caught on social media in Barbados. This is also the first found footage horror film from Barbados so it should definitely be one to check out.
In addition to all these sure-to-be shocking and terrifying features, the livestream will play shorts in between that will make for a great 12 hours. More information and tickets can be found on
We’ll be at the Unnamed Footage Festival! Will you? Check out their announcement trailer below!