The Legend of Hanuman continues to pique interest even months after Season 5 ended. The animated series chronicles the adventures of Lord Hanuman, who is reborn to serve Lord Hanuman. This leads to a journey of faith, hope, and wisdom with Hanuman crossing every path to showcase his undying devotion towards the supreme lord. Following the end of the show’s fifth installment, fans have been wondering whether there’s a The Legend of Hanuman Season 6 release date.
Here’s all you need to know about the Indian show’s future.
Is there a The Legend of Hanuman Season 6 release date?
As of now, The Legend of Hanuman Season 6 has not been confirmed, but it will likely be announced in the future.
Fans are eagerly waiting for the announcement of Season 6. The show is quite popular for its storytelling and strong visuals. Additionally, the animated series has an excellent IMDb rating of 9.1/10. However, as of now, its future remains uncertain.
The show received largely positive reviews from viewers and critics, with praise mainly directed towards its story, tone, and visuals, among numerous other things.
Where is The Legend of Hanuman Season 6 coming out?
The Legend of Hanuman Season 6 could come out on Disney Plus Hotstar.
This is because the first five seasons were released on Disney Plus Hotstar. So, whenever The Legend of Hanuman Season 6 happens it is expected to drop on the same platform. The series features a voice cast of Damandeep Singh Baggan, Surbhi Pandey, Sanket Mhatre, Vikrant Chaturvedi, Sharad Kelkar, and various others.