Fans of Family Feud are used to risque and double entendre questions. These questions are not only funny for the players and viewers, but Steve Harvey always has fun responses and one-liners for them. However, while many fans and players love these questions, people are still watching from home and act offended when the questions arise.
Here is the latest question that has some people at home extremely offended at the smut on the popular game show.
Family Feud Questions Are Often NSFW
Ratings are still high for Family Feud. This tells most people that fans don’t mind the risque questions on the show. Those might even be responsible for some of the high ratings. However, there are always going to be people who show offense when anything has sexual innuendo, even if it is just a double entendre.
A recent question could have had some very bad answers. However, it was also slightly innocent compared to others. Despite this, there were fans who acted highly offended at the thoughts that crossed their mind when Steve read the question to the players. The question was: “What would you be surprised your mother-in-law just did to your bottom?”
The players didn’t even flinch and started answering. Answers included: “Pat/Spanked,” “Kissed,” “Pinch/Squeezed,” “Touched/Rubbed,” and “Complimented.” While the answers were mostly innocent, some overly vocal fans at home were not amused.
Fans Think Family Feud Has Too Many Smut Questions
The question could have gone south quickly, and many Family Feud fans know the fun of thinking the worst about these questions. However, there are fans who will complain online about these questions, and they usually have the dirtiest minds of all.
Here is a sample of what some of the fans with the dirtiest minds thought when the question offended them:
- “Them director trying to shock Steve with these questions.”
- “What kind of questions do these producers come up with!”
- “What a smut show this has become.”
- “Wtf is this question!these are so gross.”
Some fans still think the show is getting worse. This is wrong since there have always been questions like this, even when Richard Dawson was hosting the show. Of course, there are also the fans who say this doesn’t make it a “family” show, thinking that Family Feud means a show for families to watch. The title means it is a show that families play.
Either way, the question was nowhere near as gross or sexual as others on the series, but it seems that many fans will find offense with anything these days.
What are your thoughts on the Family Feud questions that rely on innuendo? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.