Even though Labyrinth isn’t really a horror film… it was one of my favorites when I was a child. I just recently found out about all the hidden David Bowie “Jareth” faces that were hidden within the movie. It’s kind of like looking for the hidden Mickeys at Disney World.
1. The first face appears as soon as Sarah enters the Labyrinth (after talking to the little blue worm).
2. After the tunnel cleaners scene, Hoggle and Sarah climb a ladder. Hoggle steps on a weak rung and it breaks. As they show the rung falling, Jareth’s face appears among the rocks.

3. After talking to the wiseman, Sarah and Hoggle walk through a hedge maze. Jareth’s face is on the floor, to the left of the obelisk.
4. In the scene after Sarah frees Ludo, Hoggle is seen walking off and muttering, “She’ll never get through the Labyrinth.”Jareth’s face appears in the top left-hand corner.
5. At the beginning of the scene where Jareth gives Hoggle the poison peach.
6. Jareth’s face can be seen on the Bog of Eternal Stench wall, right after the ledge crumbles.
7. In the forest, Jareth’s face appears among the trees right after they leave the Bog of Eternal Stench.
Watch the 7 secret hidden faces of Jareth in Labyrinth: